Saturday, 30 October 2010
Music video analysis
This video for "Give Me What I Want" by Kids In Glass Houses is really what inspired us for our music video, the reason for this is because it takes place at a house party. As the video starts we see the camera moving at a moderate pace along a brick wall, this is the way the camera stays throughout the video and I think this level of simplicity works in context with the song. As the song starts the first shot we see is of the band, they are dressed smartly which gives us an indication about what the band is like. The camera continues to pan through different rooms of the house and throughout the video we see the same rooms, the same people but the situation changes, this is an aspect I find really interesting within the whole music video. The fact that this video is documenting friends having fun is what really appeals to me. The camera angles,close ups and the way the camera tracks through the video don't change and I think it creates a connection to the auidience and makes us feel like we are expirencing the house party with the band.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
In todays lesson we had to think about the Props, Costumes and Locations of our music video and photo shoot but before we could do this we had to decide on a band, we decided to go with some people I knew, the reason for this is because 1: they all play the instruments required for the song and 2: they in real life are part of bands and we felt that this factor would benifit us in the long run because it would make the video look more realistic. We listed all of the things we would need so when it comes to shooting the video and photo shoot we wouldn't be stuck for ideas.
What Will We Need:
HOUSE:The house of one of the band members- this is too film the house party elemant of our music video.
CAFE: A general east london cafe to film the band the morning after the party.
The reason we have chosen to use two location is because we want to keep the video as simple as possible.
INSTRUMENTS: Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Piano, Micraphones,Amps
LIGHTS: Fairy lights to decorate the house and garden with, in order to create a realistic party setting.
PARTY OBJECTS: Cups (Plastic Red), Drinks, People.
BEN: Ben will be the lead singer and lead guitarist of the band, we've decided we would like him to wear black jeans (or trousers) a smart yet casual t-shirt, and a casual jacket. We have also decided we'd like him in smart shoes (converses,boots ect).
MICAH: Micah will be the pianist for the band, we have decided we like him to be in casual jeans and a general t-shirt and again a casual jacket. We have also deiced we'd like him to wear converses or vans.
SEAN: Sean will be the bands bass player. We would like sean to wear a smart polo shirt and smart jeans, we would also like him to wear a casual jacket. As a group we have decided we would like sean to wear lace up low top vans, in order to create the smart casual look.
JONNY: Jonny will be the bands drum player. We would like Jonny to wear a simlar outfit to Sean and Micah, again to create the smart causal look.
HOUSE: Micahs house before the party, all the instruments will be set up almost like pre-party, we would also like to have some outside shots of the band with the fairy lights behind them. The shots outside will show the band having fun whereas the shots inside will be the band with there instruments to show what the band is really about.
BEN: Ben will be the lead singer and lead guitarist of the band, we've decided we would like him to wear black jeans (or trousers) a smart yet casual t-shirt, and a casual jacket. We have also decided we'd like him in smart shoes (converses,boots ect).
MICAH: Micah will be the pianist for the band, we have decided we like him to be in casual jeans and a general t-shirt and again a casual jacket. We have also deiced we'd like him to wear converses or vans.
SEAN: Sean will be the bands bass player. We would like sean to wear a smart polo shirt and smart jeans, we would also like him to wear a casual jacket. As a group we have decided we would like sean to wear lace up low top vans, in order to create the smart casual look.
JONNY: Jonny will be the bands drum player. We would like Jonny to wear a simlar outfit to Sean and Micah, again to create the smart causal look.
HOUSE:The house of one of the band members- this is too film the house party elemant of our music video.
CAFE: A general east london cafe to film the band the morning after the party.
The reason we have chosen to use two location is because we want to keep the video as simple as possible.
INSTRUMENTS: Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Piano, Micraphones,Amps
LIGHTS: Fairy lights to decorate the house and garden with, in order to create a realistic party setting.
PARTY OBJECTS: Cups (Plastic Red), Drinks, People.
BEN: Ben will be the lead singer and lead guitarist of the band, we've decided we would like him to wear black jeans (or trousers) a smart yet casual t-shirt, and a casual jacket. We have also decided we'd like him in smart shoes (converses,boots ect).
MICAH: Micah will be the pianist for the band, we have decided we like him to be in casual jeans and a general t-shirt and again a casual jacket. We have also deiced we'd like him to wear converses or vans.
SEAN: Sean will be the bands bass player. We would like sean to wear a smart polo shirt and smart jeans, we would also like him to wear a casual jacket. As a group we have decided we would like sean to wear lace up low top vans, in order to create the smart casual look.
JONNY: Jonny will be the bands drum player. We would like Jonny to wear a simlar outfit to Sean and Micah, again to create the smart causal look.
HOUSE: Micahs house before the party, all the instruments will be set up almost like pre-party, we would also like to have some outside shots of the band with the fairy lights behind them. The shots outside will show the band having fun whereas the shots inside will be the band with there instruments to show what the band is really about.
- Bass Guitar
- Electric Guitar
- Drums
- Amps
- Piano
- Micraphones
- Micraphone Stands
- Fairy Lights (outside)
BEN: Ben will be the lead singer and lead guitarist of the band, we've decided we would like him to wear black jeans (or trousers) a smart yet casual t-shirt, and a casual jacket. We have also decided we'd like him in smart shoes (converses,boots ect).
MICAH: Micah will be the pianist for the band, we have decided we like him to be in casual jeans and a general t-shirt and again a casual jacket. We have also deiced we'd like him to wear converses or vans.
SEAN: Sean will be the bands bass player. We would like sean to wear a smart polo shirt and smart jeans, we would also like him to wear a casual jacket. As a group we have decided we would like sean to wear lace up low top vans, in order to create the smart casual look.
JONNY: Jonny will be the bands drum player. We would like Jonny to wear a simlar outfit to Sean and Micah, again to create the smart causal look.
Monday, 18 October 2010
In todays lesson we looked into audience profiles, we began by looking at examples of real audience profiles this helped us alot because I don't think we understood the role of the audience profile; it gave us all a guide to go on when creating our own profiles. As we created our own audience profiles we thought about what things we like in bands (seeing as we are the same age as our band) and this really helped us in finding out who our audience was.
Audience Profile
Age of fans:18-25 Year Olds
Occupation: Students, Middle Class, Part Time Work
Gender: Mainly Male however females are part of the audience
Background: Middle Class
Likes: Gigging,Jamming,Music Festivals,Laughing,Eating,Drinking Cider,Mates
Dislikes: Frowning,People who take themselves to seriously,Politics,Dance Music,Musicians Who Mime,Fakery,X-factor.
Musical Prefrences: Pulp,Supergrass,Blur,Babyshambles,Editors,The Beatles
Looks Up Too: Russle Brand, Paul McCartney,Damon Alburn,Individuality,Mark Lamer, Any Film By Judd Apatow.
Occupation: Students, Middle Class, Part Time Work
Gender: Mainly Male however females are part of the audience
Background: Middle Class
Likes: Gigging,Jamming,Music Festivals,Laughing,Eating,Drinking Cider,Mates
Dislikes: Frowning,People who take themselves to seriously,Politics,Dance Music,Musicians Who Mime,Fakery,X-factor.
Musical Prefrences: Pulp,Supergrass,Blur,Babyshambles,Editors,The Beatles
Looks Up Too: Russle Brand, Paul McCartney,Damon Alburn,Individuality,Mark Lamer, Any Film By Judd Apatow.
Friday, 15 October 2010
Music video analysis
In the video for "You and Me" by One Night Only we really get a feel for what the band is about, frienship. At the start of the video we see the band walking across a field getting ready to performe, behind them is their friends an dI think this element of the video is very nice. The video has been shot in Black and White something I find particually lovely about the video because your eye isn't tempted to wonder it's just you, the video and the band and it really helps gage your interest. Throughout the video we see various close ups of the band playing there instruments something that in the music world most band are critisised for ( not actually playing their instruments) and the reason for the close ups of them playing their instruments could be their way of saying, we are a real band. The fact that the band are playing a gig for their friends just goes to show the type of band they are, they like being surrounded by their music and their friends, this is something I would like our video to have elements of.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
In todays lesson we looked and analysed Digi Packs, the reason for this is because we need to create a Digi Pack for our band, I found this very benifical because before this lesson I didn't quite understand the role of the Digi Pack and by analysing one I was able to see just how much detail is needed in a Digi Pack e.g. how one colour and one photo can tell you the type of album/single your going to be perchasing.
Digi Packs- S-Club 7
The front image of the digi pack shows the band in a serious pose, they are also wearing black which has connotations of power and being authoritive. The band are grouped together, perhaps to show the clossness they have. The band have deadpan looks on there faces which could imply they mean buisness espically as they are in suites/smart dress.
The colour scheme of this single is predominatly white and black, pink, unlike the first single the band are tightly grouped together all seats, again they are matching with the colour scheme with back vests and t-shirts and a pinky type of trouser everything works well in context with eachother. Again much like the first single in the bottom right hand corner of the backcover we see a smaller image of the album and a pudsey bear logo which indicates to the buyer that their money is going to a worth while charity.
The band have been placed in what looks like a wherehouse of some sort this is implying the band are used to having their own space or they are used to dominating large spaces, which could be the reason for there black attier. In the bottom right hand corner we can see a smallar picture of the album cover with a pudsey bear logo above it, this instantly shows the buyer that the proceeds from this album goes to a well deserved charity. The colour scheme of the back cover is predominatly white and brown, both of these colours are are neutral yet bold, even the location the band have been placed in has a brown coulor scheme this works very well in keeping with the flow of the front images.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010
In todays lesson we created a mood board of what we wanted our music video to look like, as a group we decided we wanted the create a house party/morning after theme of our music video, the reason for this is because we feel this would work in conext with the song and we feel because we changed the bands ages to 18 we feel it works well with the band.
Mood Board
This is our mood board for our music video; The main themes we want to portray in our music video is friends having fun, the reason we want to have a music video like this is because the song is very care free and the band is also care free so the song and the idea links in very well. We've also decided to shoot some shots in a cafe, the reason for this is because we want to document the "morning after" with the band, so we get a sense of comradery between the four boys.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Music Video Analysis
This video for Mumm-Ra's She's Got You High starts with a mid shot of people looking round a museum. As the music starts we then see various shots of the band looking almost as if they are part of an exhibition. As the drums kick in the band members come to life, this gives the audience something new to focus on. As the video progresses the other exhibits in the exhibtion begin to move this gives the auidence a narrative to follow. The idea of having a museum element to the video works well in context with the song. The song is about a man falling in love with someone who doesn't notice him and he looks at her like a piece of art, and this video follows that idea very well.
Friday, 1 October 2010
In todays lesson WE GOT OUR BRIEFS :D. This was very exciting because we finally were able to decide upon the type of video we want to produce, we decided on the band "Tonic" however we changed their name to "Two Mile Radius" and we changed their ages simply because we wanted them to appeal to a wider audience, the song we have chosen the Supergrass hit Alright. The reason we have chosen this song is because we feel its very carefree and this is the type of video we want to produce. We also got to pick our groups i've decided to work with my friends Jason and Molly.
We are young, we run green,
Keep our teeth, nice and clean,
See our friends, see the sights, feel alright,
We wake up, we go out, smoke a fag,
Put it out, see our friends,
See the sights, feel alright,
Are we like you?
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns,
We are strange in our worlds,
But we are young, we get by,
Can't go mad, ain't got time,
Sleep around, if we like,
But we're alright,
Got some cash, bought some wheels,
Took it out, 'cross the fields,
Lost control, hit a wall,
But we're alright,
Are we like you,
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns,
We are strange in our worlds,
But we are young, we run green,
Keep our teeth, nice and clean,
See our friends, see the sights, feel alright,
Are we like you,
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns,
We are strange in our world,
But we are young, we run green,
Keep our teeth, nice and clean,
See our friends, see the sights, feel alright
Keep our teeth, nice and clean,
See our friends, see the sights, feel alright,
We wake up, we go out, smoke a fag,
Put it out, see our friends,
See the sights, feel alright,
Are we like you?
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns,
We are strange in our worlds,
But we are young, we get by,
Can't go mad, ain't got time,
Sleep around, if we like,
But we're alright,
Got some cash, bought some wheels,
Took it out, 'cross the fields,
Lost control, hit a wall,
But we're alright,
Are we like you,
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns,
We are strange in our worlds,
But we are young, we run green,
Keep our teeth, nice and clean,
See our friends, see the sights, feel alright,
Are we like you,
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns,
We are strange in our world,
But we are young, we run green,
Keep our teeth, nice and clean,
See our friends, see the sights, feel alright
Our Group

This is the group I will be working in for the music video project, the reason I have chosen to work with these particular people is because I worked with them for our last project and I really enjoyed creating something interesting with them and I feel during this project we could create something equally as enjoyable.
The band we have chosen to create a music video for is "Tonic", however we have decided to change the bands name to "Two Mile Radius". We found this an appropriate band name because our band met in school and normally when you start school you have to be within a Two Mile Radius to attend the school.
The song we have chosen to direct is "Supergrass's- Alright" The reason we have chosen to direct this song is because the song is very up beat and is about friends having a good time- this is the concept we want introduce to our music video.
The song we have chosen to direct is "Supergrass's- Alright" The reason we have chosen to direct this song is because the song is very up beat and is about friends having a good time- this is the concept we want introduce to our music video.
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