Monday, 29 November 2010
New Direction For The Video
As we were filming we wanted something to give the video abit more substance, we decided that in the main bulk to the video we wanted to show the band having fun, we've decided we want the shots of the band having fun to look like a home movie-much like the video for Star Girl by Mcfly.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Today WE FINALLY FILMED. We started filming at 12pm at The Duchess of Edinburgh pub in Welling. The main shots we had in the pub were of the band playing there instruments, it soon became apparent that we needed a bt more substance to the video, we've decided to film shots of the band having fun and making it look as if its a home video, the main bulk of the video will be the band having fun with the perfomance shots embedded througout the video.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
I decided to have a look at the gold old english weather, the reason for this is because we are taking the majority of the promotional poster shots outside we want to know what the weather has in store so we can make a plan b or so we can work with the conditions.
This is the route to the pub from my house, the reason I have entered it from this location is because this is the map I gave to the band, because on saturday they will be meeting from my house. It also gives an indication of how far we will be travelling with instruments and indeed the band.
Location Found
Today myself and Jason went on a "pub crawl" in order to find the perfect pub for us to film in, the pub we found was the Duchess of Edinburgh pub (convinantly placed right near our school) we have the function room from 12.00-3.30 on Saturday 27th of Novemeber. As well as looking for the pub we also had to find the cafe we want to film in, just down the road from the pub is Wickham Cafe we went in and asked the owner if we could film in the facility and he agreed; we are going to film the cafe scenes on Thursday 24th of Novemeber.
Production Schedule
TITLE: Two Mile Radius Music Video Shoot
DATE: 25/11/2010
LOCATION: Cafe in Welling
TIME: 1.30pm until 3.30pm
Jason Summerfield
Molly Baxter
Gemma Banham (Me)
Micah Trespeuch
Jonny Lilly
Sean Roberts
Alex (ABR) Brennand-Roper
Micah Trespeuch- 1.30pm until 3.30pm
Jonny Lilly- 1.30pm until 3.30pm
Sean Roberts - 1.30pm until 3.30pm
Alex (ABR) Brennand-Roper- 1.30pm until 3.30pm
Gemma Banham- 1.30pm until 4.00pm
Jason Summerfield- 1.30pm until 4.00pm
Molly Baxter- 1.30pm until 4.00pm
Gemma Banham- Director, Photographer, Band Organiser
Molly Baxter- Director, Photographer, Props Cordinator
Jason Summerfield- Co-Director, Costume Planner
Sean Roberts- Lead singer/Bass Player
Micah Trespeuch- Backing Singer/Pianist
Jonny Lilly- Backing Singer/ Drummer
Alex (ABR) Brennand-Roper- Backing Singer/Guitarist.
DATE: 25/11/2010
LOCATION: Cafe in Welling
TIME: 1.30pm until 3.30pm
Jason Summerfield
Molly Baxter
Gemma Banham (Me)
Micah Trespeuch
Jonny Lilly
Sean Roberts
Alex (ABR) Brennand-Roper
Micah Trespeuch- 1.30pm until 3.30pm
Jonny Lilly- 1.30pm until 3.30pm
Sean Roberts - 1.30pm until 3.30pm
Alex (ABR) Brennand-Roper- 1.30pm until 3.30pm
Gemma Banham- 1.30pm until 4.00pm
Jason Summerfield- 1.30pm until 4.00pm
Molly Baxter- 1.30pm until 4.00pm
Gemma Banham- Director, Photographer, Band Organiser
Molly Baxter- Director, Photographer, Props Cordinator
Jason Summerfield- Co-Director, Costume Planner
Sean Roberts- Lead singer/Bass Player
Micah Trespeuch- Backing Singer/Pianist
Jonny Lilly- Backing Singer/ Drummer
Alex (ABR) Brennand-Roper- Backing Singer/Guitarist.
Monday, 22 November 2010
22/11/2011- Journal
In todays lesson we planned our promotional posters for our bands single and or album, this much like the CD covers it gave us an incite into how we want our posters to look. The things we have to consider with our posters is making them work in conext with the CD covers.
In terms of my own CD cover and Promotional poster i've decided I want the whole poster in black and white apart from the band themselves and the band name and the album and single name (these two will be under the same name: Alright.) The reason I have decided upon this is because I want the band and the band name and album title to stand out; and I think by making the individual componants stand out we are more likely to get more people buying into our bands music.
I've decided to use the two locations for the two promotional aspects of the project.
- The Cafe (for the CD Cover)
- The Pub ( for the Poster)
The reason I would like to use these locations is because I want to document the band having fun in the most convincing way I can and I believe by using the two main locations for the video within the promotional aspects will work really well together and not confuse too many people.
The font I would like to use for the whole promotional stuff is the Magners cider font, the reason for this is because on our brief it says the band likes drinking cider and I think this would work in conext with the brief.
In terms of my own CD cover and Promotional poster i've decided I want the whole poster in black and white apart from the band themselves and the band name and the album and single name (these two will be under the same name: Alright.) The reason I have decided upon this is because I want the band and the band name and album title to stand out; and I think by making the individual componants stand out we are more likely to get more people buying into our bands music.
I've decided to use the two locations for the two promotional aspects of the project.
- The Cafe (for the CD Cover)
- The Pub ( for the Poster)
The reason I would like to use these locations is because I want to document the band having fun in the most convincing way I can and I believe by using the two main locations for the video within the promotional aspects will work really well together and not confuse too many people.
The font I would like to use for the whole promotional stuff is the Magners cider font, the reason for this is because on our brief it says the band likes drinking cider and I think this would work in conext with the brief.
Video Shoot Location List
As we were unable to film the scenes of the house party we had to think where we wanted to film; We've decided the next best thing would be to film in a pub, therefore we've had to re-think our Video and Photo shoot location list, so here it is.
PUB: We've decided to use the function room of a local pub to film the band playing a "Gig" to some fans, we would like to make the gig look as if the gig is being put on as part of the album promo and we think with the right lighting this will look really nice. In terms of filming little sinnpits of people having fun in the party we've decided we want to create this element in the pub but with snippits of average pub life e.g. Girls gossiping in the toilets, boys chatting at the bar, people playing snooker, that type of thing.
CAFE: A general east london cafe to film the band the day after the gig, we also want this element to document the band being a tight nit group of friends and we think if we film it right this could create a decent and realistic video shoot.
The reason we have chosen to use two location is because we want to keep the video as simple as possible.
INSTRUMENTS: Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Piano, Micraphones,Amps
CAFE STUFF: Food, Coffee/Tea, Condiments
PUB STUFF: Pints of cider (to work in context with the brief), Dart board, Snooker table, general things you would find in a pub.
PUB: We've decided to use the function room of a local pub to film the band playing a "Gig" to some fans, we would like to make the gig look as if the gig is being put on as part of the album promo and we think with the right lighting this will look really nice. In terms of filming little sinnpits of people having fun in the party we've decided we want to create this element in the pub but with snippits of average pub life e.g. Girls gossiping in the toilets, boys chatting at the bar, people playing snooker, that type of thing.
CAFE: A general east london cafe to film the band the day after the gig, we also want this element to document the band being a tight nit group of friends and we think if we film it right this could create a decent and realistic video shoot.
The reason we have chosen to use two location is because we want to keep the video as simple as possible.
INSTRUMENTS: Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Piano, Micraphones,Amps
CAFE STUFF: Food, Coffee/Tea, Condiments
PUB STUFF: Pints of cider (to work in context with the brief), Dart board, Snooker table, general things you would find in a pub.
Friday, 19 November 2010
The colour scheme I have chosen for my poster is red and black mainly because I feel they stand out and wouldn't look out of place next to a real bands cover. I feel that the image should almost look like a fly on the wall photo because of the setting the photos are going to be taken in. In regards to the font for the I feel it should have some relevance to the band, I feel it appropriate to have the font from Magners Cider I feel this will work well in context with our brief, and it will appeal to our target audience, which is 18-25 year olds, cider also has connotations of youth and party's, which is the main theme of our video. The main image on the poster I feel should document fun and when you look at it I want you to be intruged and to go out and buy this bands album.
Another way I feel I can make the poster stick out is the use of keeping a few things in colour and the rest in black and white, so I plan on keeping just the band memebers in colour and the rest of the images in black and white, in order to make the band the main focus of the image. The track names will also be in red again so they stand out.
Another element I want to include on my CD cover is having any extra people made out of focus again making the band stand out and intruiging people to buy the album and to discover what the band is about. I feel with the CD cover we have a right to display the band for what they are fun loving teenage boys who enjoy making music, which is something I feel I will be able to convay with these posters and CD covers.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Promotional Poster Analysis
This promotional poster for Mcfly's single party girl is an excellent example of how bands can promote their new single.Initially when you look at the top half of the poster it looks like a film poster and as you look at the bottom half of the poster we see the different versions of the single that are available.
The band themselves are placed towards the top of the poster the image itself is quite large which makes them stand out so audiences are drawn into the poster.
The bands Logo stands out; it looks as if it has been made out of wire and the effect this gives is a neon/night club effect and considering the single is called Party Girl this effect works very well. This is also seen under the pre sale information, the use of bright neon colours and fonts gives an impression of what this single is going to sound like.
Underneath the release date of the single there is a pre-order website; this is good for the hardcore fans who can't wait until the 6th of September to get the single and the other versions that are available to the consumer.
The colour scheme of this poster is predominately Black, White and Pink. This element of the poster is interesting because there is no other colours to distract your eye and the fact that these colours are so high in contrast you can't help but take everything this poster is telling you in.
The band themselves are placed towards the top of the poster the image itself is quite large which makes them stand out so audiences are drawn into the poster.
The bands Logo stands out; it looks as if it has been made out of wire and the effect this gives is a neon/night club effect and considering the single is called Party Girl this effect works very well. This is also seen under the pre sale information, the use of bright neon colours and fonts gives an impression of what this single is going to sound like.
Underneath the release date of the single there is a pre-order website; this is good for the hardcore fans who can't wait until the 6th of September to get the single and the other versions that are available to the consumer.
The colour scheme of this poster is predominately Black, White and Pink. This element of the poster is interesting because there is no other colours to distract your eye and the fact that these colours are so high in contrast you can't help but take everything this poster is telling you in.
A Sudden Change Of Plan
Today we ran into a little problem, the house we were going to film the party in is now unavalible for us to shoot in. So I suggested to the group we film the band having fun in a recording studio but one of the memebers in our group wasn't really feeling the idea. So I suggested we film in a function room of a pub and make it look like the band are performing a gig to a group of friends, and since I know some people that own pubs we thought this would be the most suibtable solution. In regards to making the funtion room look pack we are going to consider how tightly we shoot each frame. We are still going to include P.O.V shots but this time of the people in the pub and we are going to try and portray little snap shots of life in a pub on a friday night.
Monday, 15 November 2010
In today's lesson we got paper templates for our digi packs, after we recieved the templates we drew out a rough design of what we would like on our digi pack. This was very helpfull to me because it helped me consilidate my ideas and I could really get an idea of the type of photos we would need to take on our music video shoot, because we have to create our own digi packs we had to come up with our own ideas for the photo shoots, again I found this very helpful because I got to see the ideas my group had, and it got me very excited to take the photos/
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Today was the day we were meant to begin filming the cafe scenes, however one of our band members wasn't in school today so we were unable to film. So instead of abandoning the whole day we've decided to take Recce and Test Shots of the places we want to film. We've decided to do this because we want to see what the shots will look like and we can get a general idea of the shots will look like when we come to film the actual shots. It has also given us time to carefully plan the party scene and by taking these test shots we will be able to see how we need to set up the shots in regards to the instruments and where we want them placed.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
In today's lesson we delivered our pitches to the rest of the class, this was really helpful because the rest of the class got to see the point we'd gotten to. Overall the feedback was positive on our pitch however one thing that did come out of the pitches was we really need to plan the party scenes very carefully and we need to think about how we're going to make use of the time we have.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010

1. Limber up - learn to plan, test shots, remake existing video
2. Choose track
3. Treatment - clear concept, plan everything, props, location
4. Blog - keep a blog of all ideas
5. Know your equipment
6. The shoot - shot times, stroryboard, extra angles
7. Capture footage - label everything, organise
8. Edit - cut again, dynamic, whole picture
9. Screening - feedback
10. Anaylsis
. The talk from Liz Kessler was very interesting because she was able to tell us how the music video industry works from track to video and the whole process between; the talk from music video director Corin Hardy was also very interesting because he was able to give us tips on how to create a realistic video. During the conference we had to pitch an idea to Corin,Liz and Pete for the video God and Satan by Biffy Clyro, this was very exciting because 1: It helped us deliver our own pitches and 2: Corin actually directed the official video so he was able to tell us if it would actually work in context with the song.
Overall I really enjoyed the trip to Rich Mix and its given me a lot of ideas on how to perfect my own music video.
Corin Hardy's website.
Pete Frasers Blog
Monday, 8 November 2010
The New Band
This is the animatic to our music video, as you can probably see the main plan is to flit from scene to scene in order to show the people having a good time and the band playing; The majority of the party shots are all going to be point of view shots. The shots in the cafe will be the morning after the party. UNFORTUNATLY youtube removed our song but this is our animatic
The New Props List
HOUSE:The house of one of the band members- this is too film the house party elemant of our music video. CAFE: A general east london cafe to film the band the morning after the party.
The reason we have chosen to use two location is because we want to keep the video as simple as possible.
INSTRUMENTS: Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Piano, Micraphones,Amps LIGHTS: Fairy lights to decorate the house and garden with, in order to create a realistic party setting. PARTY OBJECTS: Cups (Plastic Red), Drinks, People.
Alex: Alex will be the backing singer and lead guitarist of the band, we've decided we would like him to wear jeans a smart yet casual t-shirt, a. We have also decided we'd like him in smart shoes (converses,boots ect).
MICAH: Micah will be the pianist for the band, we have decided we like him to be in casual jeans and a general t-shirt and again a casual jacket. We have also deiced we'd like him to wear converses or vans.
SEAN: Sean will be the bands bass player and lead singer. We would like sean to wear a smart polo shirt and smart jeans, we would also like him to wear a casual jacket. As a group we have decided we would like sean to wear lace up low top vans, in order to create the smart casual look.
JONNY: Jonny will be the bands drum player. We would like Jonny to wear a simlar outfit to Sean and Micah, again to create the smart causal look.
HOUSE: Micahs house before the party, all the instruments will be set up almost like pre-party, we would also like to have some outside shots of the band with the fairy lights behind them. The shots outside will show the band having fun whereas the shots inside will be the band with there instruments to show what the band is really about.
ALEX : Alex will be the backing singer and lead guitarist of the band, we've decided we would like him to wear black jeans a smart yet casual t-shirt. We have also decided we'd like him in smart shoes (converses,boots ect).
MICAH: Micah will be the pianist for the band, we have decided we like him to be in casual jeans and a general t-shirt and again a casual jacket. We have also deiced we'd like him to wear converses or vans.
SEAN: Sean will be the bands bass player and lead singer. We would like sean to wear a smart polo shirt and smart jeans, we would also like him to wear a casual jacket. As a group we have decided we would like sean to wear lace up low top vans, in order to create the smart casual look.
JONNY: Jonny will be the bands drum player. We would like Jonny to wear a simlar outfit to Sean and Micah, again to create the smart causal look.
HOUSE:The house of one of the band members- this is too film the house party elemant of our music video. CAFE: A general east london cafe to film the band the morning after the party.
The reason we have chosen to use two location is because we want to keep the video as simple as possible.
INSTRUMENTS: Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Piano, Micraphones,Amps LIGHTS: Fairy lights to decorate the house and garden with, in order to create a realistic party setting. PARTY OBJECTS: Cups (Plastic Red), Drinks, People.
Alex: Alex will be the backing singer and lead guitarist of the band, we've decided we would like him to wear jeans a smart yet casual t-shirt, a. We have also decided we'd like him in smart shoes (converses,boots ect).
MICAH: Micah will be the pianist for the band, we have decided we like him to be in casual jeans and a general t-shirt and again a casual jacket. We have also deiced we'd like him to wear converses or vans.
SEAN: Sean will be the bands bass player and lead singer. We would like sean to wear a smart polo shirt and smart jeans, we would also like him to wear a casual jacket. As a group we have decided we would like sean to wear lace up low top vans, in order to create the smart casual look.
JONNY: Jonny will be the bands drum player. We would like Jonny to wear a simlar outfit to Sean and Micah, again to create the smart causal look.
HOUSE: Micahs house before the party, all the instruments will be set up almost like pre-party, we would also like to have some outside shots of the band with the fairy lights behind them. The shots outside will show the band having fun whereas the shots inside will be the band with there instruments to show what the band is really about.
- Bass Guitar
- Electric Guitar
- Drums
- Amps
- Piano
- Micraphones
- Micraphone Stands
- Fairy Lights (outside)
ALEX : Alex will be the backing singer and lead guitarist of the band, we've decided we would like him to wear black jeans a smart yet casual t-shirt. We have also decided we'd like him in smart shoes (converses,boots ect).
MICAH: Micah will be the pianist for the band, we have decided we like him to be in casual jeans and a general t-shirt and again a casual jacket. We have also deiced we'd like him to wear converses or vans.
SEAN: Sean will be the bands bass player and lead singer. We would like sean to wear a smart polo shirt and smart jeans, we would also like him to wear a casual jacket. As a group we have decided we would like sean to wear lace up low top vans, in order to create the smart casual look.
JONNY: Jonny will be the bands drum player. We would like Jonny to wear a simlar outfit to Sean and Micah, again to create the smart causal look.
In today's lesson we had to do a little bit of re-arranging, unfortunately Ben was unable to film on the day we were going to start filming on we were disappointed with this but we soon realised we had to move on and find someone else to fill Ben's shoes.So we've decided to use our friend Connor to be the guitar player for the band as a group we're happy about this because we now feel the band are more complete. We had to re-arrange the order of the band and now we feel the band is complete and we are very excited to begin filming.
A Few Little Changes
Unfortunately Ben was unavailable to film on the day we wanted to film. So we had a think and we've decided to get someone else to play the guitar in our video. After a lot of thinking we've decided to appoint our friend Alex as the guitarist. Therefore we've had to re-arrange our band order so the new band order is
Sean Roberts- Lead Singer and Bass Player
Alex- Backing Singer and Guitarist
Micah Trespeuch- Backing Singer and Pianist
Jonny Lilly- Backing Singer and Drummist
Sean Roberts- Lead Singer and Bass Player
Alex- Backing Singer and Guitarist
Micah Trespeuch- Backing Singer and Pianist
Jonny Lilly- Backing Singer and Drummist
Thursday, 4 November 2010
We're going to begin filming the cafe scenes on Thursday 9th November 2010, the reason we have decided to film these scenes first is because the party scenes will take alot of organisation and we need to find a day we are all free and we want to dedicate at least two weekends to it.
The cafe we will be using is your run of the mill every day cafe, we're going to set up the scenes like its the morning after the party.
We're very excited about filming and seeing our music video come to life.
The cafe we will be using is your run of the mill every day cafe, we're going to set up the scenes like its the morning after the party.
We're very excited about filming and seeing our music video come to life.
In today's lesson we storyboarded our music video and created an animatic. This was really helpful because it helped us finalise our ideas and come up with a solid narrative for our music video. When creating our animatic we put the song behind it this gave us a rough incite into what our final video will look like. (ANIMATIC TO BE UPLOADED)
Monday, 1 November 2010
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