Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Promotional Poster

These are my promotional posters for the band Two Mile Radius. The two images I used were from the original performance shots in the Duchess of Edinburogh pub in welling. The first poster I wanted to keep simple, I turned the image black and white and uped the contrast, mainly for the purpose of the poster standing out and making the band members look crisp and clear. I decided to use red lettering on this poster again so it would stand out on a bilboard if it were to be realesed. In the lower third of the image the Rough Trade Logo has been placed incase you wanted to find out more about the band.
The next promotional poster is my favorite one of the two. The reason being the center image of the band, I feel it really shows what the band are about, having fun. I decided to make the band the only thing in colour mainly for the purpose of making the band stick out, another this thats in colour is the red cups, sterotypically known for being the fun party cups you see in American Comedies and we feel these cups contain connotations of fun,youth and friendship. Much like the CD cover I have used the same colour scheme so the two work in context with eachother. Much like the first poster the Rough Trade logo is placed on the lower third so it doesn't dominate the image. The contrast has again been upped so the band and the cups stand out. Like our music video these posters aren't like I initally planned, this is mainly because of the changes we made to our music video in the middle of the filming process. However I feel these posters are better than anything I could of planned and I feel they still give off the same message.

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